C50-LK13, Lot No.09, Le Trong Tan,
    Duong Noi, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Select the device

    Fuel management is a critical concern in today’s innovative world. Essentially, a level sensor enhances fuel management solutions, making them more efficient, economical, and automated. SOJI ELECTRONICS provides an extensive range of fuel management products dedicated to professional applications. We consistently enhance our existing products and introduce new ones to align with our customers’ expectations. If you cannot find a product that meets your requirements, do not leave immediately and please contact us, as we may have a suitable solution available



    Qualifications of our engineers and devolopers allow us to make equiment not only for standard tasks in the sphere of transport
    telematics, but also in compliance with the business needs of the automobile fleet owners.
    If you need a non-standard solution , you can send us your requiments specification , or address any questions to our specialists.


    Wide range of accessories which are fully compatible with Soji electronics,.JSC products enormously expands devices
    use cases and create huge added value for your solutions.In case you need a solution that is not on our list – please
    contact us end we will be glad to help.

    Licenses and certificates

    We are always ready to place our
    Equipment at your disposal for testing,
    so that you could under conditions get evidence of the reliability
    of our productsin all their characteristics.